Join Us For Worship
Join us for worship every Sunday at 11:00am! We come together to pray, sing, enjoy extraordinary music, share communion, and listen to inspiring scripture explanations. After the service, we continue our fellowship over coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall. At this table, everybody's welcome!
Adults are encouraged not only to come to worship every Sunday morning, but to get involved in the life of the church outside worship. Whether you’re a complete extrovert or introvert, there are ways that you can use your time to make a difference in other’s lives and enrich your own, through mission projects, musical events, Bible Studies, fellowship outings, special interest clubs, committee work and community volunteering
Kids are welcome in worship! We also have Sunday School for elementary and middle school students, as well as confirmation classes. During the week, we offer one of the top Scouting programs for Cub Scouts (co-ed) and Boy Scouts in Western New York. We are eager to expand our activities for kids and teens and welcome any suggestions.
Music and Arts
For many years Kenmore Presbyterian has been one of the most talented and musically/artistically active churches in KenTon. While Covid put a crimp in our style, we are looking to expand and we regularly welcome talented High School and college students, outside musicians and are open to concerts and events. Our church choir is constantly learning and dedicated to sharing music wherever they can. Come and be part of it all!