Chicken & Biscuit Dinner (w/Basket Auction)
Proceeds to benefit St. Mark’s Community Meal; tickets - $10
Please call (716) 875-3707 for tickets or more information.

Speakeasy Dinner & Dance
Join KPC and Faith UPC for an evening of 1920s-style fun and frivolity to benefit the Sheridan Park Firehall & KPC Deacons Fund! $20 admission at the door includes:
Live music, dancing, food, drinks and more!
7pm dance lessons given by Chazz Host of Next Generation "Swing & More" Dances
Contact Pastor Fred at pastor@kenpres.org or a member of the KPC Deacons for more information. See you there!

Pack 539 Pancake Breakfast
All you can eat pancakes, served with sausage. Theme basket drawing at 11:15am.
Tickets: $10 presale/$12 at the door (Ages 5-10: $7; 5 and under are free!)
Contact Steve Blass at 716-868-8085 for more information.

Troop 539 Spaghetti Dinner
All you can eat, with drink, salad, bread, meatballs and dessert. Tickets available at the door. Take out available. Theme basket drawing at 6:45pm.
Tickets: $10 presale/$12 at the door (under 10: $5 presale/$6 at the door).

Souper Bowl of Caring Chili Cookoff
Join us on February 9 for some chili tasting and vote for the best chili! Judges will be randomly selected to choose different categories of chili. If you want to donate a pot of chili, please sign up in the narthex.
$1 for each vote and a freewill offering to eat a bowl of your favorite chili, and $5 a container to take chili home.

Front Porch Talk: DART - Deception Awareness and Resiliency Training
Stop by Parish Hall following worship for a talk discussing scamming and how to deal with its fallout. Hosted by Dr. Cynthia Stewart (Center of Information Integrity at UB).

Front Porch Talk: Chair Stretching
All are welcome to stop by the Fellowship Room after worship as David Sisson hosts a session of chair stretching with Jocelyn from Stretchd Out Buffalo.

Christmas Eve
Join us for a special Christmas Eve worship service as we gather to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This evening candlelight service will include communion with lessons and carols. Whether you're a regular attendee or visiting for the first time, we welcome you with open arms to come and experience the peace, love, and hope of Christmas!
St. Mark’s Lutheran Candlelight Service: 7pm
Kenmore Presbyterian Candlelight Service: 10pm

Cookies and Carols
Join us following worship for cookies and festive fellowship while singing sacred and secular songs of the season!

Holden Evening Prayer Service
Join us for a soup supper and Holden Evening Prayer service to fill your heart with the sights and sounds of hope this Advent season!
Soup Supper: 6:30pm
Holden Evening Prayer Service: 7:30pm

Cookie Walk
Bring in your favorite cookies and purchase a whole bunch of other treats to benefit the Angel Tree ministry!

Front Porch Talk: Friends of the Night People
Stop by Parish Hall following worship for a presentation on Friends of the Night People, a charitable organization that helps the poor, homeless and destitute in Buffalo, New York. Hosted by Joseph S. Heary, Executive Director of Friends of Night People.

Front Porch Talk: Ending the Uncivil War - Giving Thanks for America
Join us at Kenmore Presbyterian Church after worship for the final discussion in our “Ending the Uncivil War” series: Giving Thanks for America.
Christ’s work through us to make this God’s Country.
Instruction manual for safely clearing the ‘Thanksgiving Minefield’
Cultivating hope and moving forward positively

Front Porch Talk: Ending the Uncivil War - Leave No One Behind
Join us at Faith United Presbyterian Church after worship for the third discussion in our “Ending the Uncivil War” series: Leave No One Behind.
Dealing with the aftermath of the election and living in ‘loyal opposition’
Serving God through serving each other
Building bridges with those who are grieving and/or frightened, and those who are ‘sore winners’

Election Eve Community Prayer Service
Join us in the sanctuary for a short service of music, scripture and prayer in preparation for doing our civic duty on Election Day!

Front Porch Talk: An Introduction to the Parkinson’s Foundation
Join us after worship for an introduction to the Parkinson’s Foundation, hosted by Chris Jamele (Development Director, New York and New Jersey Chapters of the Parkinson’s Foundation).

Front Porch Talk: Six Scams on the Rise
Join us after worship for the first of two talks on protecting against fraud - “Six Scams on the Rise” from The Perfect Scam, an AARP podcast.

Front Porch Talk: Ending the Uncivil War - First Aid for Each Other
Join us at Kenmore Presbyterian Church after worship for the second discussion in our “Ending the Uncivil War” series: First Aid for Each Other.
Hands-on activities and resources for managing our bodies and our minds when we are stressed and/or frightened
Coping mechanisms for online and news overload and interactions in person
Practicing compassion even for those we don’t agree with

Fall Festival and Pet Blessing
Join us for a free Fall Festival and Pet Blessing put on by the St. Mark’s Community Meal and KPC Food Pantry. Everyone is welcome to join us for a day of fun and food. Bring your pets to be blessed along with games and fun for the kids! Menu includes: Hot dogs, chips, desserts and drinks.