Highlights In Our History
1877: Miss Ada Chalmers
Miss Ada Chalmers organized a Sunday School in a log house on Amherst Street in Buffalo, NY.
1877: The Sunday School
The Sunday School, a mission of Westminster Church, moved to an unoccupied house on Amherst Street.

1890: The Kenmore Chapel
On land donated by a Kenmore developer, L.P.A. Eberhardt, on the corner of Delaware Avenue and East Hazeltine, the wooden framed Kenmore Chapel was built.
1894: A Vote For Independence
The Presbytery voted to establish an independent church with 34 charter members. The Reverend George Marsh was installed as their first pastor.
1908: A Social Hub
The original building was enlarged to accommodate the growing congregation. A gymnasium was added. The church became a social hub for the village of Kenmore.
1911: Room To Grow
The sanctuary was again enlarged, but that too became inadequate. It was time for something bigger and better.
1924: Breaking Ground
Ground was broken and by 1926 a new sanctuary was completed. The church now had seating for 1100 people.
It is interesting to note that the congregation grew to nearly 2,000 members at it's zenith.1948: New Additions
A much-needed second floor was added to the education wing. New offices and a pastor’s study were placed on the first floor, while a dining room and kitchen were added to the ground floor. PLUS – the famous Schlicker pipe organ was installed.
Another interesting note – over the years, the church building housed a gymnasium, bowling alleys, and a radio station, WKEN, used to broadcast sermons.1953: Breaking Traditions
Vote was passed by the Session to consider women for the Session and the Board of Trustees.
1955: The Board of Deaconesses
The Board of Deaconesses was created.
1963-1966: Time to Grow (Again!)
A new Christian Education building was constructed. The sanctuary was remodeled, reducing seating but enlarging the chancel. A new kitchen and Fellowship Hall were re-done on the ground floor.
1971: More Music!
The organ was re-designed and enlarged.
The Late 1970's Onwards: A Shift in Faith
Like most mainstream churches, membership steadily declined from it’s heyday.
1982: A New Chapel
Motter Memorial Chapel was created in the Education Building.
1992: Preparing For The Centennial Celebration
The education rooms, Fellowship Hall and public spaces were re-decorated for the Centennial Celebration.
1992: The Centennial Celebration!
Kenmore Presbyterian Church celebrated 100 years in ministry.
2020: The Year the World Changed
In-person worship was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. KPC joined forces with First Presbyterian Church, Tonawanda and Maryvale Drive Presbyterian Church to produce and stream online services.
2020: Adapting to Changing Times
In October of that year, in response to declining membership, a long discernment process regarding the future of our congregation was undertaken. The congregation was presented with Four Paths Forward:
A) Stay where we are; continue on the path to closure;B) Stay where we are, but think radically about our future;
C) Merge with another congregation;
D) Sell our property and buy or build a new, smaller church;
2020: The Start of A New Chapter
In November, the congregation voted by an overwhelming majority for Option D. We would sell 2771 Delaware Avenue. By January of 2021, teams were formed to facilitate our move.

2022: A New Home
A place was found for our congregation to land until a permanent home could be found. We began “nesting” with St. Mark’s Lutheran Church on Delaware Road in Kenmore. In November of this year, we called the Reverend Fred Powell-Haig by unanimous vote to be our new pastor.
2023: Finalizing the Sale
Following three offers, the sale of 2771 Delaware Avenue was closed.

2023: Rebranding Begins
A fresh, new logo and tagline were presented to the congregation.

2023: An Earth Care Congregation!
Kenmore Presbyterian Church was officially certified as an Earth Care Congregation due to our deep concerns and actions toward environmental issues.
2024 Onwards: The Next Chapter
At this time, we continue to seek a permanent home for our congregation and are confident that the Lord will lead us to the perfect spot.