In person, located at:
576 Delaware Rd
Buffalo, NY 14223

or virtually.

Service begins at 11:00am every Sunday

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Crossroads Monthly Newsletter

February 2025

You really can’t read the Bible these days without the news interfering. And reading the gospel these last two Sundays (Luke 4:16-20 & Luke 4:20-30) while reading the news flashing across our screens sets up a profoundly uneasy parallel. We’ve seen Jesus come back to his hometown, declare the truth of who he is and what he stands for, and nearly be murdered for it. And here and now we’re seeing a government that is angry about people (including government agencies), declaring the truth of who they are and what they stand for, being singled out and punished. Murder hasn’t officially been threatened yet, but as we see in the Gospel and the newspaper, it doesn’t take much for the populace to take things upon themselves. Read More…

January 2025

Hello from Congregational Life! We hope everybody had a Merry, Joyful Christmas. As always, December was a busy month. December 8th was the annual Christmas Cookie Walk to benefit the Angel Tree. At least $242.00 was collected through cookie purchases and donations. On December 15th, the Angel tree gifts were sorted and wrapped. Gifts were given to 75 children through Social Services. Thank you to everyone who donated gifts and time to this event that brings so much cheer to these kids' lives! The Mission and Christian Education Committees will be up and running soon. If you're interested in serving on either of these committees, please contact Pastor Fred, the church office or any member of Congregational Life. Read More…

December 2024

When I was a young assistant pastor on the West coast of Scotland, we sang Psalm 24 at every Lord’s Supper, with the choir and the congregation singing it—by heart—antiphonally, divided between the men and women. In that Scottish tradition, it is always accompanied by the beautiful old tune “St George’s Edinburgh”— You can hear it sung a cappella straight from a church in Inverness… Read More…